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Kariera w Forscope

#ForTeam #ForB2B #ForSavings #ForFun #ForFriends

Wolne stanowiska

Jakub-career-page (1).png

Dołącz do nas w naszej misji pomagania organizacjom w obniżaniu kosztów oprogramowania!

„Jesteśmy firmą brokerską, która specjalizuje się w kupowaniu zbędnych produktów programowych i sprzedawaniu ich nowym nabywcom. Nasze motto „Same value, better price” odzwierciedla nasze zaangażowanie w dostarczanie popularnego oprogramowania w bardzo przystępnych cenach. Jesteśmy dumni z tego, że firma Forscope tworzy przyjazne i wspierające środowisko pracy dla międzynarodowego zespołu. Stawiamy również na otwartość i zachęcanie do nowych pomysłów, tak aby każdy mógł wnieść swój wkład w rozwój naszej firmy i wysiłek zespołu!”

Jakub Šulák, prezes zarządu

  • 10+

    na rynku

  • 9

    rynków UE

  • 50+


  • 50 000+

    klientów B2B

  • 15


Życie w Forscope

    Kto nam zaufał?

    • Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Choroszczy
    • Barter
    • EZT
    • KLIM-EKO

    Forscope oczami naszego zespołu

    • Cenię sobie elastyczność w zakresie godzin pracy i organizacji codziennych zadań, spokojną atmosferę oraz możliwość kontaktu z klientami i współpracownikami z całej Europy. Forscope to coś więcej niż tylko firma, w której pracują ludzie, to doświadczenie dzielone z przyjaciółmi.

      Lidia, Technical Support Manager
    • W Forscope szczególnie podoba mi się atmosfera niesamowitej współpracy – jeśli potrzebuję informacji zwrotnej lub burzy mózgów, wewnętrzny zespół kolegów z różnych działów jest zawsze gotowy do pomocy. Jest też duża przestrzeń na kreatywność, a wszystkie pomysły są rozpatrywane w otwartej dyskusji!

      Filip, PR Consultant
    • Współpraca z Forscope ma wiele zalet. Dla mnie niektóre z nich to dobre relacje w zespole i wysoki poziom elastyczności pracy. To bardzo ekscytujące współpracować z młodymi profesjonalistami z całej Europy, którzy mają tę samą wizję, ale są niepowtarzalnie różnorodni. Wewnętrzny zespół działający w firmie zapewnia mi świetne wsparcie i wszystko, czego potrzebuję, aby szerzyć dobre słowo o Forscope w moim regionie!

      Barbara, Country Manager | Croatia & Slovenia
    • Praca w Forscope przynosi ciekawe wyzwania, a także możliwości dalszego samorozwoju. Podoba mi się otwarta atmosfera w zespole. Kultura pracy w firmie jest na bardzo wysokim poziomie, z silnym naciskiem na równowagę między pracą a życiem prywatnym. Cieszę się, że mogę być częścią tej międzynarodowej społeczności profesjonalistów.

      Mateusz, Product Manager

    Sprawdź możliwości pracy w Forscope

    • Do you have experience with active lead generation and want to represent a reputable IT company focusing on business/corporate clients?
    • Are you looking for flexibility in terms of working hours, location, and task approach?
    • Are you looking for an exciting opportunity within a compact international firm offering specialized IT services?
    • Do you thrive in a multicultural environment and are looking for a company with strong team spirit?
    • Are you interested in becoming part of a dynamic team consisting of software experts, sales, and marketing specialists?

    What will be your key responsibilities:

    Join Forscope, a dynamic leader in the IT brokerage industry, as a Business Development - Cold calling specialist and play a pivotal role in our continued growth. We specialize in offering cost-effective software solutions, helping our clients achieve significant savings by facilitating the buying and selling of popular used software products.

    Key responsibilities:

    • Conduct targeted cold calling to generate high-quality leads within the commercial sector, including large corporations, medium-sized enterprises, and small businesses.
    • Identify and engage key decision-makers in IT/software procurement through various channels, including online research and direct outreach.
    • Schedule and coordinate meetings for Sales Managers or webinars to introduce Forscope's offerings and value propositions.
    • Collaborate with Sales Managers to refine strategies that convert leads into loyal customers.
    • Continuously track industry trends and market conditions to stay ahead of the competition.
    • Record all necessary lead and client interaction details in the internal system for optimized follow-up.

    What experience should you have:

    • A proactive and dynamic professional with at least  1year of experience in business development, lead generation, outbound calls, or similar roles, ideally in a call center or sales-driven environment.
    • Proven expertise in lead generation, including effective cold calling strategies to capture the attention of potential clients, gather key information, and secure initial meetings.
    • Native Slovenian speaker with excellent command of Croatian (at least C1 level).
    • Deep understanding of sales principles and customer relationship management (CRM), with a demonstrated ability to navigate high-pressure situations and meet individual targets.
    • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, with a persuasive and client-focused approach.
    • Highly organized with excellent time management, prioritization abilities, and administrative precision.

    What do you get in return:

    • A competitive income with an exceptional commission structure: earn between €1,500 and €2,500 monthly (gross/invoicing), depending on performance in lead generation and meeting arrangement.
    • Flexible work arrangements including remote work options and flexible hours to maintain work-life balance.
    • Opportunities for professional growth and career advancement within a rapidly expanding international company.
    • Professional development through onboarding training and our Forscope Erasmus Academy.
    • A supportive and friendly work environment in a multicultural setting.
    • This role is designed for B2B collaboration, ideal for independent contractors and freelancers.

    Join us and fuel your career growth while driving substantial savings for our clients with innovative IT solutions. Apply today to become a pivotal part of our international team!

    Ready to lead sales strategies in the public sector? Join us as our Public Sector Legal Strategist and drive our expansion across multiple countries. This role offers a unique opportunity to shape our sales tactics and foster significant growth. Dive in and make a real impact—apply today!

    As the Public Sector Legal Strategist, you'll spearhead our strategic legal activities within the public sector, ensuring compliance, excellence, and innovation in our procurement processes and contractual engagements in used software licensing. Your expertise will shape our public sector strategy, safeguarding our legal stance while fostering robust relationships with clients from the public sector and legal authorities within the CEE region .

    What will be your key responsibilities:

    • Lead the development and implementation of legal strategies in the public sector.
    • Consult and collaborate with local and national legal experts to refine our public sector approach.
    • Oversee and enhance the legal aspects of public procurement tenders, including objection handling and contract negotiations.
    • Support Public Sector Consultants by providing legal guidance and ensuring all tender documents adhere to legal standards.
    • Manage internal contracts and legal documentation, ensuring compliance and risk mitigation.
    • Facilitate close cooperation with the Public Tender Assistant for seamless tender management.

    What experience should you have:

    • Proven experience in legal strategy development, preferably within the public sector.
    • Strong understanding of public procurement laws and regulations.
    • Exceptional communication skills, with the ability to consult and collaborate across teams and with external legal authorities.
    • Strategic thinker with a keen eye for detail and risk management.

    What do you get in return:

    • Opportunity to join a fast-growing international company that sells products that save customers significant amounts of money.
    • Interesting job with numerous opportunities for professional growth.
    • Motivational compensation consisting of a fixed salary plus a bonus based on company revenue from Public sector projects.
    • Possibility to influence and contribute to new projects.
    • Environment where your ideas are welcomed, encouraged, and supported.
    • Opportunity to drive and manage specific sales channels with the assistance of our local sales managers in each country.
    • Great atmosphere within a very friendly and supportive international team.
    • Extra vacation days after a certain period with the company.

    Join Forscope as a Sales Manager and lead innovative used software licensing solutions in the Polish market. With our unique business model, offering "Same value, better price," you'll drive business development and foster enduring relationships in a supportive, flexible work environment. Embrace the freedom of remote work while championing cost-effective software options that cater to diverse business needs. If you're passionate about IT, thrive in dynamic settings, and have a knack for sales and strategic growth, we want you on our team.

    What will be your key responsibilities:

    • Develop and execute business strategies to enhance Forscope's presence in the Polish market, focusing on mid to large-sized B2B customers.
    • Manage sales process for used perpetual licenses and hybrid solutions of Microsoft / Autodesk products, from initial contact to finalizing deals.
    • Establish and nurture long-lasting relationships with clients and partners, providing effective communication and solutions tailored to their needs.
    • Continuously assess market conditions and customer needs to adapt strategies and optimize results.
    • Work closely with the support and operations teams to align sales strategies with broader company objectives and ensure client satisfaction.
    • Represent Forscope at industry events and through various media to strengthen brand

    What experience should you have:

    • Has a robust background in sales or business development, preferably in the B2B ICT sector, with at least 3 years of experience.
    • Is a proactive "sales hunter", ready to pursue leads and close deals actively.
    • Possesses a consultative and educational approach to sales.
    • Is keen on software or IT innovations.
    • Is a native Polish speaker with strong English communication skills.

    What do you get in return:

    Perks of joining us:

    • Competitive Salary: Earn between €3,000 to €4,000 per month (no limits), complemented by a rewarding bonus structure.
    • Professional Growth: Receive ongoing training and opportunities for career advancement.
    • Work-Life Harmony: Benefit from flexible working hours and the option to work remotely or in a hybrid setup.
    • Be Part of Our Unique Product Journey: Experience the thrill of working with a distinctive product—used software licenses—that not only saves money for our customers but also involves exciting buy-back opportunities.
    • A great atmosphere of a very friendly and supportive international team.
    • Company-wide team activities.

    Úkolem Sales Managera B2B je aktivní prodej, ale i nabídka možnosti výkupu druhotného softwaru od ověřených firemních zákazníků (firmy nad 100 zaměstnanců). V rámci prodeje je třeba poskytnout i profesionální poradenství v oblasti licencování softwaru a informace ohledně legality a právních aspektů jeho použití. Není třeba se bát, vše tě naučíme.

    Jaké budou vaše klíčové odpovědnosti:

    • Aktivní vyhledávání nových obchodních příležitostí v sektoru firemních zákazníků (B2B) na českém a slovenském trhu.
    • Rozvoj obchodu prostřednictvím „outbound“ hovorů a emailů a následné sledování potenciálních zákazníků.
    • Komunikace se zákazníky s cílem identifikovat prodejní příležitosti.
    • Poskytování informací o výhodách druhotného softwaru.
    • Řešení poptávek zákazníků a příprava cenových nabídek.
    • Spolupráci s týmem a vedením společnosti na realizaci zakázek a rozvoji další prodejní strategie.
    • Správu databáze zákazníků (CRM) a provádění všech administrativních činností s ní spojených.
    • Účast na interních školeních a externích konferencích /eventech.

    Jaké zkušenosti byste měli mít:

    • Zkušenosti v oblasti prodeje (ideálně call centrum nebo prodej po telefonu)
    • Proaktivní přístup a schopnost identifikovat obchodní příležitost
    • Výborné prezentační a komunikační schopnosti
    • Chuť stále se učit novým věcem (oblast licencování softwaru)
    • Znalost anglického jazyka alespoň na úrovni B2 (komunikace s kolegy ze zahraničí)
    • Dobrou uživatelskou znalost počítače
    • Zájem o obor software nebo IT

    Co dostanete na oplátku:

    • Možnost obchodování se zajímavým a unikátním produktem (used software), který nabízí zákazníkům vysokou možnost úspor.
    • Šanci stát se součástí unikátní společnosti s mezinárodním působením  
    • Finanční odměna 75-110 000 Kč /měs zahrnuje fixní částku a provize z prodeje. Jsme si vědomi toho, že chvilku trvá než si všechno osvojíš, a než se tvoje obchodní aktivity "přetaví" do obchodních výsledků a proto ti v prvním roce poskytneme tzv. "garantovanou provizi".
    • Pravidelná školení a profesní růst.  
    • Flexibilní pracovní dobu, po zapracování možnost práce z “Home Office” 1-2 dny v týdnu.
    • Spolupráci jako OSVČ.

    Nie widzisz ogłoszenia na interesujące Cię stanowisko, ale chcesz dołączyć do Forscope? Skontaktuj się z nami i opisz swoje doświadczenie oraz preferowany rodzaj pracy. Być może uda nam się znaleźć coś dla Ciebie!

    Co nowego w Forscope?

    Twój zakup został dodany do koszyka